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Ab Tu Chak De! India I इस Diwali ka नया Gaana I Come on, India! C-Quel
Theme : Sushobhan Sarkar
Lyrics : Nandini Sarkar
Singer : Archan Bhattacharya
Sound Engineering : Saurav Bhagat
Lyrics : Nandini Sarkar
Singer : Archan Bhattacharya
Sound Engineering : Saurav Bhagat
A Song for India I Before this Diwali, Dussehra, Banish the Asura I Chak De India
Theme : Sushobhan Sarkar
Lyrics : Nandini Sarkar
Singer : Archan Bhattacharya
Sound Engineering : Saurav Bhagat
Lyrics : Nandini Sarkar
Singer : Archan Bhattacharya
Sound Engineering : Saurav Bhagat
Employment of Women at Night : KN Shops & Establishment Amendment Act 2020 : C-Quel Labour Update
1. Willingness of women employees shall be obtained in writing;
2. The establishment shall provide transport facilities from the residence of the woman employee to the workplace and back free of cost and with adequate security. Such transport facility shall have GPS for tracking and monitoring; Kindly watch the video to know the other conditions.
1. Willingness of women employees shall be obtained in writing;
2. The establishment shall provide transport facilities from the residence of the woman employee to the workplace and back free of cost and with adequate security. Such transport facility shall have GPS for tracking and monitoring; Kindly watch the video to know the other conditions.
How to Correct EPF Data Mismatch Issues Easily I Best EPF Tips I End PF Claim Rejection Forever
Tired of getting your EPF transfer rejected again and again? Running from pillar to post to get your EPF transfer or claim settled? Tired of raising grievances on the EPF portal only to be told the reason for rejection of your PF claim is incorrect DOB, Father’s Name and Name Mismatch? In this video we show you how to make your online EPF transfer and EPF claim be passed easily by first correcting your EPF UAN portal data
India Compliance Bowl II 4 New Labour Codes 2019-2020 II C-Quel Impact Analysis
This has been touted as the most major overhaul of India Labour Laws since Independence. The conversion of 29 current laws into 4 Labour Codes has been notified though not yet commenced since the preparation of the Rules is still underway. While promising big on Ease of Doing Compliance & Anti-Corruption, the Codes also fall short in some areas in terms of apparent contradictions, errors & discrepancies. The Government plans to implement the 4 Labour Codes wef April 2021
Exempting Factories from Overtime Wages I Latest Supreme Court Order
Can overtime wages be exempted due to a public emergency? How does the Supreme Court order of 1st October 2020 compare with its earlier interim order of 12 Jun 2020 on payment of wages during the current crisis? Join C-Quel in this compelling and lucid analysis of all the facets of this latest and important Supreme Court Judgment on payment of overtime wages during the current crisis
How to Make EPFO Listen to Your Grievances & Answer ! PF Online Complaint Registration Tips
Lockdown has also led to a slowdown in PF services!! Upsetting isn’t it? PF transfers are not getting done in a timely manner, your e-passbook is not getting updated, your online pension claim is getting rejected without any reason!! You are afraid to drop your EPF claim in the drop-box because you are not getting an acknowledgement receipt! Wait! EPF has a way out for you!! Allow C-Quel to show you how to make the EPFO listen to your grievance – learn the correct way to file an effective online EPF grievance! Get your answers from EPFO today!
New Labour Compliance Haryana ! Compulsory HUM Labour Registration for Companies
Hello Employers ! In this informative and beautifully explained video you will get to know how you can register your company for the new HUM Scheme introduced by the Haryana Government for labour welfare scheme.
Lost in the Corporate Jungle? Mahavatar Babaji’s Mantras for Success & Happiness in the Workplace
What is the secret of success & happiness in our career and business? Why do people in the workplace need to be reminded of Mahavatar Babaji? Sadly the workplace has become a place for competition and not co-operation. Gaga over Baba is the story of a person who makes a difference to the whole whole world with his commitment, love, loyalty and selfless service to humanity. Join C-Quel as we learn the mystic mantras for success & lasting happiness at the workplace from the Great Mahavatar Babaji! Now we know why the whole world is Gaga over Baba!!
टेंशन मुक्त पेंशन – त्रुटि मुक्त EPF ऑनलाइन पेंशन आवेदन
चाहे आप 30 या 50 वर्ष के हों, आपको ईपीएस -95 पेंशन के लाभों के बारे में जानना होगा। हम आपके साथ पेंशन के मामलों पर चर्चा करना चाहेंगे ताकि आप और आपके परिवार के सदस्य लाभान्वित हो सकें।
টেনশন ছাড়া পেনশন – ভুল না করে EPF অনলাইন পেনশন আবেদন
আপনার বয়স ৩০ হোক বা ৫০, আপনাকে EPS-95 পেনশন এর সুবিধা গুলি সম্পর্কে জানতেই হবে। আমরা পেনশন সম্পর্কিত ব্যপারে আপনাদের সঙ্গে আলোচনা করতে চাই যাতে আপনি ও আপনার পরিবারের সদস্যগন উপকৃত হবেন।
How to do EPF E-Nomination
Filing e-nomination helps you to easily file online pension claim at the required time. Most importantly, the nominees can easily file online composite claim in the event of demise of the EPFO member if the e-nomination has been done
Get Peace of Mind II How to Claim Monthly Pension Online from EPF
How do you claim your monthly pension online? How do you fill out a 10D pension claim application online? Why does your monthly pension claim 10D get rejected? Find the answers to these and other questions simply answered for a seamless monthly pension application – of course, online!